Monday, May 28, 2018

my favorite food in general

Hello guys and girls I hope you are excellent, well today I will write about my favorite subject bone "food", why? Because it's delicious and I love it haha

 Well writing this topic is very difficult, because I like to eat everything, I am not so happy for homemade meals and everything is sweet as happy and proud, although I know I will fatten like a pig 🐷.
What I like the most is to eat chocolate, it fascinates me I am very strange because if I do not eat chocolate, I'm full of grains. Besides, when I get well informed, chocolate makes calm anxiety, nervousness, a pleasant sensation in your mind and also It helps to lose fat, that is, it is perfect 🍫.

Some things that I like is the yougurt with quaker and striped apple or the rice cooked with a lot of sugar (I know it at any time will give me diabetes 😥) I consider that they are very rich flavors since they are very sweet. I think my favorite homemade dish is the juice chicken with puree or any type of beans, and a favorite dish of junk food is the fried chicken with French fries, I know that my meals do not contain any diet, but I still put the double effort in terms of doing a lot of physical exercise to maintain a balanced body shape. Finally I will finish writing more sweet things as my favorite store is the "bravisimo" which is a store where they prepare the best ice cream and ice cream that has existed in my life and the best thing is that you can pay with the juaneb card 👀.

As a conclusion I consider that everything we eat identifies us, as when you have frozen sorrow or chocolate, when you are happy you sometimes eat junk food, every situation
you have every day is a time to experience wonders in your taste and taste at every meal, which can produce many memories of different feelings or identify smells of food at a distance.


  1. I also like to taste new dishes and flavors! Especially when is food from another countries, because they are pure culture. Although as a vegetarian I don't enjoy junk food (since most of them have animal products), although I love french fries.

  2. I also like to try new food (although I have a hard time trying very spicy food) and I also think that we eat things according to our mood

  3. I totally agree, chocolate it's amazing. My favorite store of ice cream it's bravissimo too! And I think that the best flavor is "pitufín" hahaha


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