Thursday, November 9, 2017


Hello people!

Resultado de imagen para prehistoric archeology
Today I will speak about postgraduate course that I consider taking in the future is postgraduate in Prehistoric Archeology or criminal investigation and forensic, because I've always liked the combination of history and research, I believe they can be complemented by excellent, thanks to the criminal investigation can be deduced faster search topics of archaeological objects or human bones. 

La Complutense culmina la remodelación de su estructura departamentalwould love to travel to Spain and there make my graduate studies in those specialties,because is the opportunity very important in my life, it is my dream to have more knowledge in that country, as it has very good research at the global level in archaeological. Also, mainly studied at the University Complutense Madrid is almost the 
only imparts copper prehistoric archeology.

Resultado de imagen para investigacion forense arqueologia
The way I like to study would be there in the country of Spain with part-time course and if there is the possibility of traveling only study with online classes.

Regards, I would wish you a good weekend!


  1. Prehistoric archaeology is the best area <3 and so interesting, the criminal investigation scares me :'(

  2. It sounds interesting to mix archeology with criminal investigation

  3. the prehistoric archaelogy is very interesting topic, I hope that you make in a futuro <3

  4. Spain is a beautiful country, my cousin is there and he loves it


methods and principles of subacuatic archeology

The most influential period in subaquatic archeology arises from the period 1490 a. C to 1868, it is the longest of the periods defined ...