Wednesday, November 15, 2017

My favorite photo

Hello to all over the world! 

 Today I will talk about one of my favorite photos, saying before that every picture you took or take me is special and always come to have a nice memory in the future and in my life.

My favorite picture is this -------->

 Was taken in one of the places that I love and always will, which is mainly in the Valparaiso Cerro Alegre, where this is full of color and drawings in all houses and walls of the sector, in truth I feel really happy and calm there, also was taken by one of the best people who are in my life as is my cousin called Ayline, which lives there.

 It was taken in the week of 20 September 2016, just that day was very sunny haha since the other day had been overcast :( i always love to see these photos, because they demonstrate the hidden place that has Valparaiso and its surroundings such as elevators, the beach, some very fine, Laguna Verde, among others. These beautiful drawings depict the vivid color that has this cheerful and amusing region.


  1. Hi Alondra, it's a cool photograph, I have never been in "Cerro Alegre", but it sounds like a really beautiful, happy and artistic place, probably I will go in an uncertain future :)

  2. Oh it's awesome. Great pick! I love "Valpo"!

  3. These are beautiful photos. I do not know Valparaiso but by your description it sounds a very beautiful place that someday I would like to visit :)

  4. I live in Vregion and I love Valparaíso, it's remind me my different walks in the elevators of this city <3

  5. Cerro Alegre is so beautiful, Valparaiso in general it is. And the photo place is so pretty. Now I understand because you choise this photo as your favorite


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