Tuesday, April 24, 2018

my first day of university

Good afternoon to all again, in this new blog I will write about my first day of university, which was horrible, really I have to be honest. The big day, an unforgettable moment and that unforgettable was, first of all I was nerviosisima because I didn't know what to expect of the University and of teachers, then comes the moment of the trip to the university, in which I was delayed 2 hours and a half to arrive, and to have more bad luck I spent in the metro station that was but everything happens for something,  then I arrived and already earlier in summer workshop I met many of my classmates and future friends that I would be doing in the future, 5 amazing people and of course crazy that I found in my small group, my friends are called: Antonia, Camila, Valentina, Guillermo and Bernardo.

After that started the “good” the blessed classes, which in reality was not as well as the first day because we had to make a tab and a trial of a text anyone who had something anthropological, for me it was a horror, because I didn’t know compose, because he was always more fences of mathematics haha, ¡since at that time I said wow i must be a humanist completely! That bad…  And hence we only ate and ate with my group, we spoke of the life and the things they like to do to each one, and the Alleluia we depart early from our difficult or for other incredible moments of laughter, nervousness, happiness, discomfort, among other feelings.

Ps: I am still looking for the person who hit me head lice on the first day of classes at the university, I hate it with my heart.


  1. ow, so cute, i wait that we share more moments with the guys!

  2. Sometimes the first day of something seems a little crazy, but then it gets better hahaha

  3. Oh I'm sorry, sometimes the first few days are a bit disastrous but you made very good friends!

  4. I also had the same problem to get to the university the first day jaja the first days aren't always the best, but at least you made good friends!, so it couldn't be so bad


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The most influential period in subaquatic archeology arises from the period 1490 a. C to 1868, it is the longest of the periods defined ...