Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My favorite friend

Hello people! 

Today is a great day to write good things, like today I wrote my best friend, is a name Mathias Vergara and is a people and one of the great friends that I've had in all my life, we met the 2014 in November in a tour of study tour, he was in 3rd grade and I in 2nd grade, that ride lasted almost 7 days and we just met the last day before we left was quite entertaining and we had many things in common, as for example that we had in common our favorite movie called step up 3D, we love it because it is street dance or different dances that are mixed, as we love to dance is the perfect combination, we also like the same style of music and sports and besides that we have our favorite book that is twilight, we really have everything in common hahaha 

I usually see him almost every Saturday and Sunday, but we get together to talk if not to train basketball or to go and watch him and my boyfriend play in the basketball competition they have every weekend. Great to entertain me watching them play what we are passionate about. Is an excellent friend and for which I know I can trust!! 


  1. you two have a lot in common omg haha, my best friend isn't a man but I think it must be fun, good luck in your friendship :)

  2. A close friend it's hard to find, I hope that your friendship last for ever ñ-ñ

  3. Mathias sounds a person what I can trust too hahah You have a good friend with you :)

  4. You have a lot in common with he, I have the preference common with my friend but not like you :)

  5. Hi! congratulations for your friendship, is amazing :) I hope that last forever.


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The most influential period in subaquatic archeology arises from the period 1490 a. C to 1868, it is the longest of the periods defined ...