Saturday, November 18, 2017

My favorite archeology website

Hello again, this is already becoming a habit for us haha xD I hope you are well, today I will talk about my favorite website for my career in archeology, I really don't have a favorite site, but the more I see and that represents my career as an archaeologist, is a youtube channel which is in English and can be closed captioning, also called "thebrainscoop", is based on topics such as evolution, archeology, dinosaurs, mummies, culture, paleontology, among others.

Resultado de imagen para thebrainscoopIn addition, these investigations or videos are done by a young girl called Emily Graslie with the help of historians, archaeologists and other scientists in accordance with the theme that is developed each week and also that all of this is done within the museum called "the field museum". In general, I see it 2 times a week, since it is quite educational and entertaining at the time that you need to know more about archeology, biology and history.

I highly recommend it, are also very short videos in which you learn many things quickly. Then share the link of the videos on youtube called "thebrainscoop”:


  1. I had never heard about that page, perhaps, take a look to the page into the future.

  2. Wow it sounds very interestings!! I will visit this channel.


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