Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I suffer with English

Hi everyone I want to tell you that some things of the English exam practice were facile or I could capture it carefully, but if I want to confess that I am a disaster listening to English, I really feel that I do not understand anything or I am very slow or I need more practice, I will try to make an effort as much as I can even though it costs me a lot to learn English. 💔

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Hello everyone, I hope you are well, well the truth is that I do not have a great ambition in my life, but if I just want to be good with my life, my family and friends.

But if we consider as ambition to have a long-term purpose or dream, it would be to be able to travel with a boyfriend to parts of Europe such as London, France, Italy or mainly places where I can carry out an archaeological investigation deeply, I love everything that is to investigate new things especially something that is not common or is not very informative.

The decision because I want to do this in a few years, it is more because in Chile we do not have so many research processes so extensive, there is no material or laboratories so advanced to make more concise hypotheses, however in Europe it is possible to obtain a better technology in which the methods of some research that you want to perform are faster, I have the faith that it will be like that, since I have sought contact and it is 100% sure that they are much more advanced in archaeological matters. So far I have not thought about how to go there haha first I want to finish my career, learn to speak English better, study French even though it is the basic and in the meantime put a lot of money or what I can achieve when I am finally a professional.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

My favorite animal

Hello, good afternoon everyone, I hope you do well in your studies, today I will write about the free topic that I like the most, and one of them is about my favorite animal which is the wolf. I love this type of animals because they resemble me, because they have a great sense of what the family is, how to take care of each other, they are also loyal, very faithful to their partner and mysterious, but still have a very individual, which is what I like most about them.

The origin of the wolf dates from 800,000 years ago and were distributed throughout North America, Eurasia and the Middle East, belong to the family Canidae and the genus Canis. Such family includes fox, coyote, domestic dog, among others.
In addition, some of the most curious data is:

-they have a sense of smell 100 times better than that of a human.
- They run at a maximum speed of 75 km / h.
- In each pack there are social hierarchies. The alpha couple is the leader.
- The howls reinforce their group bonds and inform other enemy herds that maintain their distance.
- At birth they are blind and deaf.
-Your life expectancy is very short, with a maximum of 15 years.

I started to like it since I saw the twilight saga, I was so obsessed that I read books that only had some thematic of wolves, because even though they are fighters and sometimes aggressors are always tender and protective, I really feel that I can have a wolf in my interior in every moment of my life and you, what is the animal that identifies you as a person?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

a job

Hi guys, I hope you have a good day and finally, we return to classes, whether it's time, haha, today, that you write me about a job that I would like to do, well the truth is I always like it and I want to have a work that is related to helping people in the street situation, who has a low socio-economic level or for people affected, who is a volunteer in organizations and collection centers of places in Santiago or region that is a son: cruz roja, hogar de cristo, parishes, in short, all the institution that there is of me helps. The reason for that work is because I love it and I have the need to help someone for all the people who have a problem or who are affected by a tragedy, which all that is difficult to do is have a home or at least a person who is a companion at least one night so you can vent or cheer up a little the day after all the bad things that have happened to him.

 I do not need many skills for work, all I need is to get to work, help me to achieve the best possible sectors of shelters. When doing this work is the only thing you can do, the tranquility and happiness of people with that is more what is happening, which is the only thing that matters badly ... I hope you can also fill a granite of happiness for them.

methods and principles of subacuatic archeology

The most influential period in subaquatic archeology arises from the period 1490 a. C to 1868, it is the longest of the periods defined ...