Saturday, November 25, 2017

My experience in the English language

Hello again to everyone! I hope you are well, first of all I want to thank everyone who read my posts and commented throughout this second half of the year.

Today I will start talking about my experience in the English language, well i have to say that I like very much the English, since sometimes I have a hard time. Thanks to the courses of English at the University i was able to improve various aspects that failed constantly on all the wording, which I was able to achieve a good development through creation of blogs that taught us correctly. In addition, these blogs seemed to me to be innovative, fun and friendly.

But in spite of everything, I still have to improve many aspects, mainly speak better English and fail to recognize the phrases or conversations that are heard in the listening, so i'm going to plan in the summer to watch movies in English to be able to identify each word, in order to speak with more fluency this language.

Another key point is how long it took or study in English outside of class, which is generally when i see movies or series between 30 - 180 minutes, many times occupied all day, because every time I hear songs in english or sometimes 1 hour when should I translate my texts of other classes in Spanish.

                  Greetings to all, I wish all of you a very weekend!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

My favorite archeology website

Hello again, this is already becoming a habit for us haha xD I hope you are well, today I will talk about my favorite website for my career in archeology, I really don't have a favorite site, but the more I see and that represents my career as an archaeologist, is a youtube channel which is in English and can be closed captioning, also called "thebrainscoop", is based on topics such as evolution, archeology, dinosaurs, mummies, culture, paleontology, among others.

Resultado de imagen para thebrainscoopIn addition, these investigations or videos are done by a young girl called Emily Graslie with the help of historians, archaeologists and other scientists in accordance with the theme that is developed each week and also that all of this is done within the museum called "the field museum". In general, I see it 2 times a week, since it is quite educational and entertaining at the time that you need to know more about archeology, biology and history.

I highly recommend it, are also very short videos in which you learn many things quickly. Then share the link of the videos on youtube called "thebrainscoop”:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

My favorite subject of the semester

Hellooooo! How are you?

 Again I am with you in a new blog that we must carry out, the blog of today is based on mention what is my favorite subject during this semester.  Which is based in the field of archeology II, mainly i love as the first thing that makes the teacher is to make a discussion on one of the 6 units that we have seen, then there is a small talk between the students and the professor, and finally a small opinion whatsoever on the part of it, if the are several authors who argue for or against the issue,for example the ideology that some traits in northern Chile.

Some of the contents that we have passed in archeology, which are divided into 6 units: ideology, Archeology and Heritage Society, social change and explanation, socio-political organization, economy, among others.

Essentially i love the unit 6, called archeology and heritage society, because it covers a lot of care of the material or archaeological object of each city or country and value that we can do to keep it in care.💕😻


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

My favorite photo

Hello to all over the world! 

 Today I will talk about one of my favorite photos, saying before that every picture you took or take me is special and always come to have a nice memory in the future and in my life.

My favorite picture is this -------->

 Was taken in one of the places that I love and always will, which is mainly in the Valparaiso Cerro Alegre, where this is full of color and drawings in all houses and walls of the sector, in truth I feel really happy and calm there, also was taken by one of the best people who are in my life as is my cousin called Ayline, which lives there.

 It was taken in the week of 20 September 2016, just that day was very sunny haha since the other day had been overcast :( i always love to see these photos, because they demonstrate the hidden place that has Valparaiso and its surroundings such as elevators, the beach, some very fine, Laguna Verde, among others. These beautiful drawings depict the vivid color that has this cheerful and amusing region.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Hello people!

Resultado de imagen para prehistoric archeology
Today I will speak about postgraduate course that I consider taking in the future is postgraduate in Prehistoric Archeology or criminal investigation and forensic, because I've always liked the combination of history and research, I believe they can be complemented by excellent, thanks to the criminal investigation can be deduced faster search topics of archaeological objects or human bones. 

La Complutense culmina la remodelación de su estructura departamentalwould love to travel to Spain and there make my graduate studies in those specialties,because is the opportunity very important in my life, it is my dream to have more knowledge in that country, as it has very good research at the global level in archaeological. Also, mainly studied at the University Complutense Madrid is almost the 
only imparts copper prehistoric archeology.

Resultado de imagen para investigacion forense arqueologia
The way I like to study would be there in the country of Spain with part-time course and if there is the possibility of traveling only study with online classes.

Regards, I would wish you a good weekend!

methods and principles of subacuatic archeology

The most influential period in subaquatic archeology arises from the period 1490 a. C to 1868, it is the longest of the periods defined ...